One of the key challenges that comes up again and again during management recruitment training is “How can I delegate effectively?” It’s a real problem that stops many recruitment managers from really flying.

If you ask any highly successful recruitment manager what their keys to success are, they might say:

a) getting excellent at choosing and motivating really good people

b) knowing how to harness the collective efforts of a truly great team

c) becoming an expert Delegator…

We all know this, yet I still see managers not delegating effectively or at all.

So what might be stopping you from delegating as a recruitment manager?


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1.You Don’t Trust that They Will Do It as Well as You

Which is quite possibly is true, however, you know what they might even do it better than you! You’ve got to give them the opportunity.

2.You Can Do It Quicker Yourself

Okay let’s be honest, at this precise moment in time you probably could do it more quickly and also for the next few times as well. However, doing a task that could easily be done by someone else is a really sure way to eat into one of your most valuable assets – your time.

Remember that saying, give a man a fish and he can eat for a day, teach him how to fish and he will be able to feed himself for life…

Showing someone else is a onetime investment of time which might take a little longer up front and in the long term it will save you days and weeks and pay back over and over again.

3.You are fearful of Losing Control, Power or Authority

One of the main phobias about delegation is that by giving others the authority, you may lose control. This need not be the case. If you train your staff to apply the same criteria as you would yourself (by giving them examples and full explanations) then they will be able to exercise your control on your behalf.


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4. Delegation Doesn’t Work

Quite often delegation doesn’t work because it poorly communicated at the beginning or you have made a poor / wrong selection of task or person. Make sure the person has the capability to complete the task and also it’s something that will empower them, that they see as a gift.

So to enable someone else to do the job for you, you must ensure that:

a)they know what you want

b)they have the authority to achieve it

c)they know how to do it.

5. You Delegate Too Much at Once

The key is to delegate gradually. If the task is a big one, break it down into smaller chunks.

Bottom Line: The most successful managers focus on their own priorities, what they are best at and allowing others to do what they are best at. Don’t let your ego or self-doubt stop you from delegating and get the results you know you can deliver.

Centred Excellence helps recruitment professionals become highly effective leaders and managers. If you want to learn how to “Become a Great Billing Recruitment Manager” call us on 0845 3194838 for more information on how we can help you.

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