If I had £5 for every time a recruitment business owner told me about how ‘back in the day’ they ran their organisation out of their bedroom, ‘winging it’ with great success, I would be a rich mother of two!!

I believe them.

And if you want a business that turns over £100k you could probably still do that and earn six figures yearly without too much trouble.

However, I suspect that isn’t you; is it? You want more and here is the truth….

Organisations never scale to 7 figures and beyond without systems, process and consistency.

There are many things to consider when it comes to scalability, and in today’s post, I want to share some key areas that will need your attention; pronto.



1. Accountability

One of the key reasons large organisations do well is because they have accountability at their core. It’s all too easy for a small organisation to turn a blind eye to a bad month or as a leader to not call ourselves out on our lack of activity.

To bring in the revenues you want; you will have to embrace being accountable. It’s something we encourage in all our programmes to the point where are students post up what they are committing to do. The shifts from this simple process alone are HUGE.


2. Set Goals and **$$^^! stick to them!

Here is a quote I love, and it is oh so true:



I remember having a conversation with a good friend of mine many years ago. Both of us started our ‘coaching’ business at the same time. He wasn’t from recruitment by the way. I’ll never forget our conversation after the first few months.

Because of my background, I was used to being driven by targets and process. Though I hadn’t exactly made my first million, I was hitting my financial goals.

My friend on the other had said; “Targets!…..oh, forget that. I’m glad to see the back of them.”


As human beings, we are success seeking animals according to Maxwell Maltz, and we are driven to achieve. Therefore, if you aren’t measuring what you are doing, it’s never going to happen.


3. Create A Sales and Marketing Machine

When I first started as a recruitment consultant, cold calling would always deliver results, provided you stuck at it.

This was a common pattern maybe you have experienced it too?



Numbers a bit down and the end of the month looming….. everyone hit the phones, and we would scrape in and hit our target; well most of the time. It was exhausting and getting ‘harder’ each year.

Now with more recruitment organisations than ever starting up (4500+ last year) and the World Wide Web-dominating our lives; your marketing and sales can’t remain ad hoc like this.

You need a marketing and sales system to compete that is based on finding and attracting your target clients and candidates that you then follow up and nurture to conversion.

It is straightforward, and it takes work initially to set up your process. Did you know that it can take up to 12 points of contact before you make a ‘sale’ ? Have you factored this into your system?

If you don’t have a marketing and sales system, other savvy new recruiters will, and you will lose out.

This attention to detail and process will be a key driver to your success so get moving!


Warm regards


P.S.  Not have a systematic process like this is one of the 5 biggest mistakes recruitment organisations make that stop’s their growth. If you want to find out what else you can change to scale your growth, then download our new free guide here.