I want to continue the story about recruitment business growth and how I turned myself around.

The results I achieved didn’t happen by magic. There is no magic formula for success, although today, I want to share some practical ideas that are going to help.

So, as I look back from where I am now to what happened to enable me to grow and then run a recruitment business that smashed through 8 figures, there are two things that stand out.

1. Surround Yourself With the Best

It can be easy to soldier on thinking you can push your way through, and you don’t need help; WRONG.

Even the likes of Oprah, Bill Gates and Richard Branson get support and guidance from the best in the business.

So, I surrounded myself with people who were the best in what they did: the best in recruitment, the best business builders, the best people with the best attitudes, the best coaches like Nicky at the time, and also the right techniques and strategies.

2. Work on Your Mindset

The second thing was the right strategies to manage my mind and what I was thinking. You see, this happens for all of us; the same stories, patterns and crazy ideas will keep playing out.

Different role and yet the same story; weird, isn’t it?

I learned to work on this because the same non-supportive stories that I had running in my head were playing again only this time it was even worse, such as:

  • I’m not good enough.
  • I’m not intelligent enough.
  • I can’t do that.
  • That won’t work for me.
  • That won’t work in my sector.
  • My recruitment business is different.

Not very supportive statements, are they?


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I now had enough insight to realise these patterns were not going to help me to build a successful recruitment business.

The ‘work’ I did opened me up to believing anything is possible for anyone. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do;  if you want it badly enough and you’re prepared to put the work in and be the change you want to see: magic can happen.

There is a great quote that goes along the lines of;

“You have to do things you’ve never done before to get the results you’ve never had before.”

The work I did with the help of mentors and rolling up my sleeves shifted me as a person, and my results with it.

For me, it was all about discipline and doing the work.

Fact: motivation is one thing, but discipline is another. And that’s what it really taught me. So, if you focus on your mindset and you have access to the right information; boy, can you fly.

It’s about becoming a new person if you want to take your business to a new place. New actions require new behaviours, new things you say to yourself, which will then deliver different results.

So, step one is to flip those non-supportive stories.

An easy way to do this is rather than saying, “I can’t act on that, we’ve got big change” instead rephrase and reframe to something else like, “I am in the process of doing X or Y.”

Because when you say that to your mind, it believes that this is possible: it adds possibility to the equation.

For example:

  • I’m in the process of becoming a seven-figure business owner.
  • I’m in the process of charging 30% fees.
  • I am in the process of building a retained part of the business.


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Here is the thing – if you want a set of different results, you can’t keep doing the same things and expect to get a different result; that really is the definition of insanity.

The question is, then, what are those things that I need to change? And it could be really small things. The small differences are what makes the difference, especially when you add them up, it’s a real game-changer.

While you are sitting reading this blog, ask yourself the question:

What are those things that maybe I want to make some changes to?

Your language is an easy start.

So, ban words like ‘try’; you will or you won’t. If you drop a pen on the floor, you don’t try and pick it up. You either do, or you don’t.

Then there is the terrible one: when!

“When I have X, I’ll do Y.”

Here is a classic example; “When I make more placements, I’ll recruit another biller.” Err… you will make more placements because you have recruited a biller!

‘When’ is a nasty world and it’s the reason so may people fail – that is why J.F.D.I. should be in the vocabulary of every business owner who wants to achieve more.

So, are you ready to work on your mindset and get the support you want?

Warm regards,


P.S. Wondering how you can grow your business to eight figures and beyond through a focus on your personal ‘why’? Then we need to talk. Apply for a call with one of us here, and we can show you how to accelerate your profits and freedom NOW.